Hess Group GmbH
Nomor booth: 8918
Tentang kami
The HESS GROUP is one of the world’s leading suppliers of highly developed concrete dosing and mixing systems, block machines, as well as the corresponding packaging and conveying technology. Since 1948, the HESS GROUP has stood for innovative solutions and maximum quality “Made in Germany.” The international company's headquarters is in Burbach- Wahlbach, Siegerland. Numerous other production sites and subsidiaries all over the world guarantee proximity to the customer.
Freier-Grund-Str. 123
57299 Burbach-Wahlbach
Telp.: +49 2736 49760
Sven Beel
E-mail: s.beel@hessgroup.com
Telp.: +49 175 8654221
Produk dan jasa
The HESS GROUP is one of the world’s leading suppliers of highly developed dosing and mixing systems, concrete block machines, and the corresponding packaging and conveying technology.