Para peraga PT Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa

PT Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa

Nomor booth: 5918

Tentang kami

Liebherr Indonesia (PT Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa) was established in 1997 and is a direct affiliate of the Liebherr Group, a traditional family-run company founded by Hans Liebherr in 1949 in post-war Germany. Today, the Liebherr Group has more than 50,000 employees, is present in over 140 locations worldwide and has exceeded IDR 200 trillion in revenues through 2022. Liebherr Indonesia distributes the group’s mining, maritime crane, crawler crane, deep foundation, and components product portfolios in the country. Liebherr Indonesia further provides an encompassing range of services such as component remanufacturing, key components fabrication, technical training, and various field service solutions.


PT Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa
Beltway Office Park, Tower A, 8th Floor, Jl. Ampera Raya No. 9–10
12550 South Jakarta
Telp.:  +62 811 5967992

Produk dan jasa

PERTAMBANGAN: Excavator, Wheel Loader dan Truk Pengangkut

Liebherr Indonesia (PT Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa) was established in 1997 and is a direct affiliate of the Liebherr Group, a traditional family-run company founded by Hans Liebherr in 1949 in post-war Germany. Today, the Liebherr Group has more than 50,000 employees, is present in over 140 locations worldwide and has exceeded IDR 200 trillion in revenues through 2022.

Liebherr Indonesia distributes the group’s mining, maritime crane, crawler crane, deep foundation, and components product portfolios in the country. Liebherr Indonesia further provides an encompassing range of services such as component remanufacturing, key components fabrication, technical training, and various field service solutions.

Mining Excavator - R 9200

The R 9200 is equipped with a 12.5 m³ bucket capacity, offering the biggest payload in its class. This new mining machine enables sustainable performance while delivering peak fuel burn efficiency, even in the most challenging conditions. The R 9200’s outstanding reliability and easy serviceability provides maximum uptime.

Mining Dozer - PR 776

As the world’s biggest hydrostatic dozer, the Liebherr PR 776 gives mining customers an edge thanks to class-leading efficiency and constant power due to the intelligent driveline and hydraulic systems. Either while pushing or ripping, the PR 776 is an extremely powerful machine for any application. Highly efficient drive concept, long service life of components and low maintenance requirements reduce operating costs and increase profits.

Mining Truck - T 274

With the T 274, operators and technicians can expect to experience first-class comfort and safety while driving and servicing this truck. A wide range of options are available, not only providing maximum productivity even in the harshest conditions, but also catering to the evolving requirements of customers and mine sites. This new 305 tonne truck can be fitted with the Liebherr Trolley Assist System, a significant step towards zero emission mining.

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